Can I Take The Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair On A Plane?
Flying with an all-terrain wheelchair is so easy it may surprise you.
We are often asked what it is like to take the Extreme Motus off-road wheelchair on an airplane. Many of our customers want to travel with their Motus to visit far-off beaches as they check items off their bucket lists.

Air Travel With The Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair
I currently know of 2 different Extreme Motus customers who have flown with their Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair. Both flew from the Salt Lake City, Utah airport.
When the Adams family tried Flying with an All-Terrain Wheelchair on Delta Airlines to the East Coast to visit Maine everything went great. This customer used the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair as their primary wheelchair. They entered the airport with the Motus, went through the TSA security checkpoint, and to the gate with the wheelchair.
Once at the gate, he carried his daughter into the plane, and the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair was checked at the gate. They didn’t report any issues traveling through the airport with the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair.

Aloha Extreme Motus
When the Crowshaw family tried flying with an all-terrain wheelchair from Salt Lake City, Utah on Southwest Airlines to visit the island of Kauai with their Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair everything went smooth.
They also used the Motus as their primary wheelchair and checked it at the gate.
“Everyone was very accommodating! They were worried about the weight of the chair but they managed.”
Something to think about when using the Motus as your primary wheelchair on a trip like this is the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair is meant for the outdoors. It can fit through a standard 36″ door frame. But navigating a resort or fitting into an elevator can be tricky.
The Motus is about 6 feet long so making sharp turns in a tight hallway is tough. You may need to fold up the chair to navigate indoor areas like this.
Can I Check The Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair As Luggage?
Yes. Several of our customers have reported they have successfully traveled with their off-road wheelchair as luggage.
Sometimes when Flying with an All-Terrain Wheelchair the easiest way to get through the airport is to drop off the Motus right at the luggage check-in and let them do the rest.
After checking the Extreme Motus chair as luggage they traveled through the airport with their powered chair which was gate checked once they reached their plane.
Because both the power chair and the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair were mobility devices the airline, in this case, Southwest transported both wheelchairs free of charge.
And the family had an amazing time exploring the islands of Hawaii.

Article Update
I wanted to add a quick update to this article about Flying with an All-Terrain Wheelchair. Since it was written the team at Extreme Motus has flown to many different events and expos with the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair.
For some of those events, Sam came with us. So we took his regular wheelchair and his Motus. We have even shown up to the airport with 3 Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchairs and Sam’s regular wheelchair. The airline we used was Delta they were very accommodating and curious about the Motus. We’ve never been charged an additional fee even though we show up with so many of them.
You will need to answer questions about their size and weight. Possibly take them to a special location so that TSA can inspect them. Through all of these flights we’ve never experienced a missing or damaged Motus.
So yes! You can absolutely fly with the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair. Don’t be afraid to book that flight and take your adventures international.