Extreme Motus LLC

Meet Henry & Jane Evans

Published By: Ryan Grassley

Meet Henry & Jane

When Henry first contacted me I could tell he enjoyed building and designing his own adaptive equipment.

One challenge Extreme Motus faced when making the X3 Off-road wheelchair is that it is very difficult to manufacture an adaptive device that works for everyone right out of the box.

Everyone is different, and everyone’s disability is different.

Meet Henry & Jane

Henry purchased his off-road wheelchair in August of 2022 and went straight to work making it work for him.

I recently reached out to Henry and asked a few questions about the modifications he’s made to the chair.

Why Extreme Motus?

While browsing the internet one day, I was very excited to see the Extreme Motus: here was something that could finally give me a way to go on hikes with my family on the beautiful trails around our home.

I’m 6′ 4″, so I bought the Extreme Motus knowing I would have to modify it. The modifications were mostly made from scraps of wood or metal lying around my workshop.

All of them are easily removable/unboltable; we made NO permanent modifications. When I say ‘we’, I am referring to the fact that I designed them and told my caregivers how to build them.”

Why Extreme Motus


What was your favorite adventure with the Extreme Motus wheelchair?

Honestly, I am just getting started and have just taken a few not-terribly-ambitious hikes with my family so far.

What is your disability? What are some challenges you face?

I had a brainstem stroke at age 40 and am 99% paralyzed and mute [I have a little residual movement in my head and one thumb].

EVERYTHING is a challenge- I am 100% dependent on other people for EVERYTHING.

It’s easier to list what wasn’t compromised: my mind, my senses, my internal organs, and my INVOLUNTARY nervous system [I breathe autonomously, but can’t hold my breath or talk/blow].

What advice do you have for people who may be struggling with their disability?

You have nothing to say about the cards you are dealt in life,

But everything to say about how you play them.

Have you modified or invented other pieces of equipment to help with your mobility?

Many-see my website and TedxTalks – r4h.org , [click ‘R4H Devices’ for the devices]

Here is a video of Henry in the Extreme Motus Off-road wheelchair with all of his modifications.

Custom Cushions

Pivoting Front Wheel

Extra Length

Follow Henry’s Adventures

If you would like to learn more about Henry and follow his adventures and inventions check out the links below. 

Henry on blogspot


Subscribe to Henry on YouTube

You can reach out to Henry directly here: hevans1000 AT gmail.com

If you decide to purchase an Extreme Motus Off-road wheelchair of your own and use this link Henry will mail you a check for $50.

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