Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair Stories: Meet Mr. Bones

Published By: Extreme Motus
Mr. Bones in the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair

Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair Stories: Meet Mr. Bones

If you follow Sam and I on social media then you know he’s up for pretty much anything with his Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair. But once in a while, we get an idea that is too dangerous for the star of the show and we need to bring in Sam’s stunt double Mr. Bones.

Today we are interviewing Mr. Bones to learn about some of his favorite memories working with the Extreme Motus team showing off their all-terrain wheelchair.

What did you do before working for Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchairs?

Before I started working as Sam’s stunt double I was a Halloween Decoration in his front yard. I used to watch Sam and Ryan loading up for another adventure and really wanted to join them, but I’m dead and lack the brains, lungs, and voice box required to ask them if I could go.

During the off-season I spent my time crammed in the attic waiting for another Halloween to scare trick-or-treaters.

This job seems very dangerous are you ever afraid?

Every time I join Sam & Ryan on an adventure I break bone. I’ve broken my neck, like all the way. My head fell completely off and Ryan had to use a rope to reattach it so we could continue filming. But I no longer have functioning a nervous system so I can’t feel pain. I’m not worried about getting hurt I just want the video to be great and I’d rather it happen to me than to Sam.

What is your favorite Extreme Motus memory?

Once after a long day of Extreme Motus stunts, Ryan buckled me in the back seat of his wife’s car. Early the next morning she got in the car to leave for work and when she checked the rearview mirror she nearly jumped out of her skin. Ryan got in a lot of trouble for that.

Do you miss working as a Halloween decoration?

No. With all the exposure kids have to social media today skeletons just aren’t as scary as they used to be. It was no longer fulfilling work for me and I wanted something better.

What is your favorite Extreme Motus Adventure?

The first time I was worked as Sam’s stunt double was way back in November of 2019. We went out to the Utah desert with the Extreme Motus all-terrain wheelchair to break a recreational land speed record.

To accomplish this we tied the chair to the back of a side-by-side UTV and tricked a lot of people into thinking Sam was really in the chair as it sped down the road.

When the video was posted Sam’s own brother really thought Sam was in the chair. He called up their mom and said, “Mom, did you see what Ryan did with Sam?!”

After that, we decided not to use a full-face helmet and I have become less of a stunt double and more of a star of the show. I want people to watch the video twice but not give them a panic attack.

Now, plain as day viewers can see that Sam isn’t in the chair during these crazy dangerous stunts. But you wouldn’t believe how easily people are tricked. The first time we posted the below video to our TikTok account many commenters lost their minds and reported the video for abuse of a disabled person. It got millions of views.

How durable is the Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchair?

We can’t break it. We have done so many stunts that would have destroyed any other all-terrain wheelchair but it just keeps going. I’ve been dropped down steep bowls at skate parks, launched off ramps, and pushed down a flight of stairs. The Extreme Motus off-road wheelchair is solid. It was engineered to be used hard and last a long time.

I’m a lot more worried about my own bones breaking than I am about anything happening to that wheelchair.

What’s Next on your list with Extreme Motus?

I don’t want to give too much away but we are planning a video that involves some rope, and an abandoned train bridge. It’s going to be epic stay tuned.

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