Are Sam and Ryan Brothers?

Published By: Extreme Motus
All-terrain wheelchair company, Accessible outdoor adventures, Inclusive mobility solutions, Nature-friendly wheelchairs, Extreme Motus mission, Off-road wheelchair innovations, Accessible nature experiences, Outdoor adventure wheelchair, Mobility solutions for disabilities, Emma X3 wheelchair

Are Sam and Ryan Brothers?

Are You Guys Brothers?

“Is that your brother?”

along with “Are you Sam’s dad?” are the number 1 questions we are asked on social media.

Responding to these questions every time they are asked really could be a full-time job. That’s great because it means we always have new people joining our adventures and watching the show.

We often don’t reply to these questions because if you watch enough of our older videos you will discover the answer for yourself.

Sometimes we give sarcastic answers like,

“We’re sisters, I’m Sam’s uncle, and Ryan is my niece.”

Sam & Ryan Extreme Motus

Sam and Ryan are Friends

Sam and I are old friends. How old is hard to say. Our parents attended the same church and university when they were just starting their married lives.

Sam has an older brother named Nick who is my age. Somewhere there is an old picture of Nick and me in diapers because Sam’s mother was babysitting me.

Nick and I always knew each other and became very good friends during our senior year of high school. We often brought Sam along on our adventures because we didn’t want him to feel left out.

I have always enjoyed spending time with Sam because mentally we are both 14 years old and he laughs very hard at my dumb jokes.

Are Sam & Ryan Brothers?

Enter Extreme Motus All-Terrain Wheelchairs

Sam and I haven’t always been this close. At times my life has taken me far away from the small town where I grew up and where Sam still lives.

When my wife was pregnant with our son we were trying to settle on a name she asked, “What about Sam?

I really liked the idea. If my son could be as happy and optimistic about life as my friend Sam that would be great.

When I did eventually settle down in the area my wife would occasionally say, “You should go hang out with Sam.

But as many of you know maintaining friendships when you have a family and career can be difficult.

I have been creating content since the early days of YouTube on a channel called HalfThrottle.

One day I was looking for freelance work on a website called Upwork and I found a post from a company called Extreme Motus. When I saw their off-road wheelchair I knew it would be perfect for Sam.

Together we made this video:

Not long after that, Extreme Motus asked me to work for them full-time. That was the beginning of the Sam and Ryan show. Sam and I now get to hang out almost every day going on adventures and getting into trouble.

The Extreme Motus social media feeds have turned into the Sam and Ryan show and many viewers have no idea they are watching content marketing for an all-terrain wheelchair company. This isn’t always a good thing as I constantly see comments in from people asking, “Where can I get one of those wheelchairs.”

The Sam and Ryan show is all about showing the world how much fun you can have with the right piece of mobility equipment. Before Extreme Motus Sam had a hard time getting outdoors.

Hanging out with Sam often meant going to a movie or staying at home and playing board games. Sam is a prolific cheater when it comes to board games so it’s best to avoid playing at all costs.

The Sam and Ryan show couldn’t exist without the Extreme Motus all-terrain wheelchair. It has opened up the world to us and we have been able to make so many amazing memories with that wheelchair. It’s given both of us a purpose in life.

Extreme Motus all-terrain wheelchair at the skatepark

Have You Ever Gotten Into Trouble?

Yes and often. When people see the stunts Sam and I do in some of our videos they can be very shocked or concerned. The internet has pulled out their pitchforks more than once for a video they thought was too dangerous.

One viewer called the police, then called me to give me a piece of his mind. I have to remember they are doing this from a place of love and concern. What they don’t think about is what the alternative might be. They would have nothing to complain about if Sam was in an assisted living center, watching daytime television, while a pressure sore developed that could eventually kill him.

Having a disability doesn’t mean he should miss out on life, or adventures, or getting a little banged up once in a while just like a normal dude. 

I’ve always treated Sam like a normal dude. When I saw him in the hallway at school I’d punch him in the shoulder and call him a douchebag just like all my other friends because that’s how boys in Jr. High say, “I love you.”

When other students or teachers saw this and told me to be nice, Sam would tell them to, “Shut up.”

The outraged internet sees his disability. I see my friend. 

“I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?”

Do you remember the time in your life, maybe you were around 12 or 13 years old when a friend would call and ask, “Can you play today?” Well, I’m 45 and it happens to me every day at 9 am when Sam calls to ask if we are going on an adventure. It’s a very nice way to start my morning.

If there is someone in your life with mobility challenges you click here to learn more about the Extreme Motus all terrain wheelchair.

Sam and Ryan Extreme Motus
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Light, comfortable, and compact, the Extreme Motus glides over sand, rocks, grass, gravel, and even floats in water.

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Light, comfortable, and compact, the Extreme Motus glides over sand, rocks, grass, gravel, and even floats in water.

It’s more than a outdoor wheelchair; it’s your ticket to freedom. Embrace the outdoors with confidence, knowing our off-road wheelchair is engineered for durability and ease of use.

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